Sunday, June 21, 2009

Big courtyard

This is a courtyard style garden that runs off the back decks of seven rooms at PBV. It was particularly challenging as the decks were built above grade and I then had to fill up to, and under them, to make the paths and gardens. I did all the stone work and gardens. The whole space is designed to have a fence between it and the road to complete the enclosure, but it as not been built. There are two small water features. The one shown is in the center of the two larger scenes, but taken at an earlier date. jc


  1. These gardens have truly aged gracefully, IMHO. Are you happy with the way they have progressed over time? What is name of the tubular flower in the bottom photo? Hard to grow?

  2. Thanks. I think they look terrific. The purple tubes are, not surprisingly, bellflowers. Campanula.
