Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jonah's Falls, August

Jonah's Falls with my iphone. The image is not all that great. Sort of soft focus. Better on close-ups. Love the sunlight reflected in the sheet of water, and I feel the stone patio works as a continuation of the waterfall. jc


  1. What a exquisite photos of a simply lovely memorial garden. The botoom picture has to be one of my favorites. The clear reflection speaks volumes for the work and its reason for being.

  2. sorry for my typos. i kept trying to say it better and couldn't get one I really liked. Guess I'm speechless.

  3. Okay, one more and I'll be quiet. Not only does the stone patio work as a continuation of the waterfall, the tall stone above looks like the source. The whole piece flows and the reflection just blows me away.
