Friday, August 14, 2009

Same place

More pretty flowers from the "one year" house. Crocosmia (I love these) and the traditional black-eyed susan. The rabbits devour them if they find them emerging, but apparently these were not an the bunny trail.
I had dance performances this week, and have gotten very little actual work done. Plus my blackberry is having problems. Think I will get an iphone, since I use a mac anyway. jc


  1. Talk about RED!!!! Are they a member of the crocus family or is that coincidence? The Susans always make me think of meadows and open fields. Good vibes.

  2. I don't know. They are from bulbs, but the flower stems are about four feet high, and they are not as hardy as the early ones. A hard winter four years ago killed most of them, and I replanted.
